Sometimes I wonder how males and females regard "Beauty".
While it definitely won't come as a surprise to anyone that guys and gals have rather different 审美观, but sometimes I am still left pondering as to how some guys can be "cute" or "macho" while others are deemed "cannot make it"...
Call me slow and insensitive, but hey - all these guys all seemed normal and look ok to me leh. :PP
Why this line of thought all of a sudden? Well, actually it has always puzzled me all these while, how kuja can remark about this guy being good-looking, that guy having nice features, etc... (hey, we're damn open about such things lah. In fact, I'll be the first to admit I like admiring pretty gals and good looking babes. And I do share my thoughts with kuja sometimes as well ya. hehe )
And today, I had lunch with Yen and Ruby and the topic drifted to friendly gossip about some of our common frens (hhmm.. come to think of it, lunch these 2 always involved sharing new stories and gossips. haha. That's why it's so fun mah! ). And again, there were comments on certain people's looks and features. * incidentally, they seemed to share kuja's viewpoint! e.g. on KH and KC being "good-looking" and such.. I was thinking "Huh??" *
My conclusion (from discussions and gossip sessions) is that guys tend to be more critical when judging the physical appearance of a gal. The facial features, the body contours, the legs, the bust, the bottoms... you name it. But when it comes to guys looking at other guys, it's like "hhmmpphh.. " = like that lor, ok what. 2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth, 2 hands, 2 legs. Conclusion - normal lah!
But ask our lady frens, and they'll tend to have a more err.. should i say, 'sympathetic' view of their kind. I realised kuja seldom gives nasty comments on other gals. They're either very pretty, or quite sweet (which to me usually is quite jia-lat already), or very attractive, etc...
As for rating of guys, they certainly have a wider range of comments to make... some can be quite funny even!
这就是荷曷蒙在作祟吧? 不过有一点是肯定的,那就是无论是男人或是女人,都对漂亮的女人感到兴趣. 男人当然是喜欢欣赏美女啦. 而女人则是喜欢观察其他女人的穿着与衣物,当中也许也有一点相比较的意味存在.
As for whether a person is "good-looking" or not (to the opposite sex), it comes down to the old adage, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".
情人眼里出西施. :)